Ambatovy eBooks - page 321

Environmental Assessment
Volume B-4.4
Natural Habitats and Biodiversity
Ambatovy Project
January 2006
Impact Assessment Issue Scoping
A principal aspect in identifying environmental issues associated with the
Ambatovy project involved public consultations. Public consultations solicited
input from local communities, conservation organizations and government
agencies at all levels for the integration of project development. The following
issues related to project-related impacts on natural habitats and biodiversity were
based on public consultation and the Terms of Reference (Volume A, Section 6):
changes to rare or sensitive natural habitats, such as the azonal forest
and marsh edge forest;
changes in species diversity;
further fragmentation of forests west of the Mantadia-Zahamena forest
corridor and Torotorofotsy Ramsar site;
induction of indirect impacts to the Mantadia-Zahamena forest corridor
and Torotorofotsy Wetlands, associated with in-migration of people;
positive effects related to opportunities to contribute to the conservation
of the Mantadia-Zahamena corridor through targeted off-site mitigation
activities and on-site restoration.
Project-related activities that are anticipated to result in changes to natural
habitats and biodiversity include construction and operation of the Ambatovy
mine, and reclamation during operation and closure. Specific details of the
project are described in Volume B, Section 2.0. Briefly, primary activities and
facilities associated with the mine that will influence natural habitats and
biodiversity include:
facility construction and operation (e.g., new mine infrastructure, the ore
preparation plant and slurry transfer pumping station);
construction and operation of open-pit mining excavations of the
Ambatovy and Analamay ore bodies and hauling of low-grade material
or waste to stockpile locations;
construction and operation of intake station at the Mangoro River and
water intake pipeline corridor to mine footprint (23 km length);
construction and operation of the slurry pipeline within the mine LSA.
Ore will be slurried at the ore preparation plant located between the two
ore bodies and will be pumped from the ore preparation plant to the
process plant located in the Toamasina area;
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