Ambatovy eBooks - page 34

Labour-Management Relations
Work Council
At Ambatovy, we strive to maintain an environment where people feel comfortable with communicating issues and
concerns. The Work Council is one way that employees can present issues via their employee representative. The
Work Council is comprised of 24 representatives (12 from AMSA and 12 from DMSA) who meet on a regular basis to
ensure continual, effective communication with management. It functions as a platform for negotiation, dialogue and
collaboration within the Company. Outside the workplace, the Work Council also manages social activities to improve
the relationship between Company employees and our employees’ families.
Town Hall Meetings
In 2012, we created more opportunities for senior management and employees to meet and share ideas and concerns
in the workplace. During the year, we conducted two series of Employee Town Hall Meetings, which included 25
sessions at each of our sites in Toamasina, Moramanga and Antananarivo. These information sessions were aimed at
informing employees about the company’s activities, achievements and challenges.
Since 2010, no strikes or lockouts lasting for more than one week happened at our sites.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
We are committed to providing and maintaining equal
opportunities for job applicants, regardless of their
ethnicity, religion, age, gender, marital status or sexual
orientation. By recruiting on a competitive basis, Ambatovy
aims to select the best candidate for each job. While our
goal is to boost local access to jobs, our policy is to offer
positions to the best qualified candidate based on
employment-related indicators.
The selection process is based on measurable criteria,
such as technical, behavioural and linguistic testing.
All employees are expected to reject any form of
discrimination or harassment, as explained in our Code
of Conduct and Employee Handbook. There is an identified
investigation and disciplinary procedure for any instances
when a complaint of harassment is made.
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