Ambatovy eBooks - page 39

Social Performance Goals
Implement community impact mitigation strategies based
on valid data and sound science (Principle 4 from the
International Council on Mining and Metals, ICMM).
Contribute to the social and institutional development of
the communities in which we operate (ICMM Principle 9).
Implement effective and transparent engagement,
communication and independently verified reporting
arrangements with our stakeholders (ICMM Principle 10).
2011 Results
Following several studies and assessments, we realigned
our mitigation activities. After extensive study of the rice
fields impacted along the pipeline, budgets and programs
were restructured to address over 600 ha of rice fields
impacted. Furthermore, following an influx migration study
in the urban centres of Moramanga and Toamasina, waste
management feasibility studies were undertaken to address
the increased waste in these two urban centres.
We have implemented a range of social and institutional
development programs in local communities. Over 30 water-
user associations were operational and received training to
manage water infrastructures built along the pipeline. Also,
over 100 young peer educators were supported and now
have developed important life skills.
Ambatovy carried out a range of stakeholder engagement
activities this year. Specific community-focused aspects
included twelve quarterly meetings held in three districts
with mayors and local leaders to provide information and
answer questions.
Major challenges encountered
Challenges en route to resolution
Good progress made toward goal
Social Performance
We wish to maintain a positive relationship with the people
living around our areas of business and we endeavour to
ensure that the benefits of being our neighbour outweigh
any negative impacts. The process of how we handle these
impacts and the end results – both positive and negative –
affect our relationship with local communities.
As construction wound down in 2011, our community activities
ramped up to focus on addressing the remaining impacts
from construction, as well as laying a strong foundation
for operations. One major area of focus was the long-term
restoration of livelihoods to our resettlement villages. We also
worked on laying strong operations strategies and programs
with our communities as key stakeholders.
Activities and support offered to the communities are founded
on international best practices. We have worked to align our
actions with regional and national development plans as much
as possible. We endeavour to uphold the IFC Performance
Standards as well as national directives through our policies
and planning. In order to tie all these commitments together,
we have based our strategic objectives for Corporate Social
Responsibility on four key principles from the International
Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), as noted in our Social
Performance Goals.
In 2011, we worked with local communities to make sure
that operations start on the right foot. We look forward
to production and appreciate the long-term partnerships
established over the last year to ensure it is a success.
Management Approach to Society and Community Relations
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